General Information


All rule changes will be written and sent to the unit owners to be included in your rule books.


  • Parking is to be in designated parking spaces, marked by painted numbers on the spaces.

  • Parking for garage Units is to be in driveways.

  • Guest parking is to be in un-marked spaces designated for visitors.

Regarding Rule Enforcement:

GCLO rules are harder to enforce than to follow. The rules have been in effect since the beginning of the association, and were originally made to keep Georgetown property values at a premium and to keep owners and residents safe. Through the years, the rules have been updated to keep up with legal requirements, the GCLO Declaration and Code of Conduct, HUD requirements, and to improve and control situations that arose through the years.

The BOD and RC, the governing bodies of GCLO, are positions that are filled by volunteers. The time and the efforts extended to educate themselves for these positions by learning the rules and connecting with our legal advisors to be sure things are done correctly can be draining, but our volunteers do these jobs and ask for nothing in return. Updating the rules has been done by BOD, RC, Management and legal advisors, a team of about 12 people. Much time was involved, up to a year at least the last time the rules were revised, and closer to two years to update the Declaration.

The worst part of the job is enforcement of rules. It's understood that no one likes to get violation letters, but after years of trying every trick in the book, this has been the best resolution. It is not fair to residents (volunteers) to have to confront others directly as it can create aggressive actions at times by those who become defensive, as well as damage neighbors relations. A policy has been put in place (you can see it in the rules) defined by the Declaration and Rules so consistency and fairness prevail.

We understand it's difficult to sit and read all the rules and remember them; therefore the letters quote rules with the hope that owners/residents will review them and correct any violations that do not comply. The rules apply to all 54 units notwithstanding – including all volunteers in the governing bodies.

The positions on the BOD and RC are voted on by owners, and/or appointed by a person kind enough to volunteer as in committee selections. No one person makes or enforces rules. This is done by a review from the RC, then their input goes to the BOD and the Manager collectively. Decisions are made by this team of nine, and if legal advice is needed it's then requested, making a team of ten.

Our units were not build as rentals. This is a permanent home community. Rental units are limited by HUD requirements and at this point, we've about reached our limit. Our owners take pride in their homes and therefore it is especially important that we follow the rules, enforce our rules, and respect our rules. They are there for a reason.